Nowadays, there had been many young ladies who were caught or seen dating a married man, without considering if it is right or wrong. Reasons vary, which may include financial reasons or emotional satisfaction. But whatever the reason is, a married man who is dating another woman aside from his wife is being unfaithful to his marriage vows. If you plan to date or is currently dating a married guy, this article will tell you the pros and cons of the relationship you are in or about to enter.

Benefits of Dating a Married Man
He is great in bed
The number one reason why people cheat is sex. Some affairs are merely sex-oriented, while others could be emotional cheating which may become physical as well. A married man is usually great in bed because he can be more adventurous and experienced due to his married life, which enable him to satisfy you better and in various ways that unmarried man can't.
You’ll get to try the forbidden
One of the reasons why a man cheats is because he is not satisfied when having sex with his real partner. This leads to suppression, making him hotter and wilder when going to bed with you. And since his wild dreams were not served for so long, be ready for the adventurous sex you and your man are about to have. For example, you and your married man may have sex on places like in cars, on roof top, in churches and any other places you are not supposed to do it.
It can excite you
Dating a married man can excite you in so many different ways. You may be in a long, steady relationship, but getting to know someone new secretly and doing new things together are just irresistible. Besides, the possibility of getting caught just brings more fun and makes things really exciting and thrilling.
It brings emotion satisfaction
One of the benefits of dating a married man is emotional fulfillment. In a marriage, a couple gradually grows apart from each other and quarrels about little things. In a relationship, your boyfriend just can't make you feel loved and give you all the attention you need. So there is a desperate need of someone who really understands you. In this case, an affair with a married man fulfills your emotional need, which is far better than the fulfillment sex can give.
There is no stress of divorce
For some people, an affair is better than a divorce. A divorce is not only emotionally stressful but it will also consume one’s time and money.
No “kiss and tell”
He is a married man, which means he has a wife, kids most probably and job. He will not want to lose all of these. That is why you can be sure that he will not let anyone know about the two of you. This will be beneficial for you if you also have a family of your own or if you are in a position where your life can turn upside down if your reputation gets hurt.
It is not expensive
An extramarital affair is way cheaper than a real relationship. You don’t have to celebrate anniversaries, because affairs do not have an exact date when you started flirting with each other. You do not have to splurge too much on birthday presents or Christmas presents; otherwise, if his wife sees an expensive lady’s watch and it is not for her, she will get suspicious.
Other benefits of dating a married man
It will boost your confidence because you know that he is cheating on someone for you which makes you feel more desirable.
You also don’t feel pressured in the relationship because you know that everything is JUST FOR FUN. No strings attached and no responsibilities.
But Dating a Married Man Is Not a Good Choice
He will always prioritize HIS family
Family always comes first. Even if he talks about how much he has been detached from his wife, he will always choose to be a husband and try to keep his family together especially if he has children. He will always prioritize the needs of his wife and kids before your needs. His marriage is based on friendships and social network and he would not want to lose that only because of you.
He will never choose you over his wife
It can be because of the legal and financial requirements that a divorce entails, because of his remaining affection for his wife, because of his religious beliefs refraining him from doing so, or because he is comfortable with their marriage just the way it is. And keep this in mind, HE STILL HAS SEX WITH HIS WIFE, deal with it.
He will always hide you
There may be benefits of dating a married man, but the reality will always speak for itself. As much as you want to tell the whole world how much you love him and how good he is as a boyfriend, it will never happen no matter how long you have been dating. He’ll never let you meet his friends because he doesn’t want his family to know about you; And he will refuse to see any of your friends and family to avoid the risk of exposure.
You are just a diversion for him
At first, the two of you might be having good times together and planning your future. But keep in mind that everything is just a game. You might even think that his passion is because of his undying love for you but the truth is it is his libido talking. Soon, when the game becomes boring, everything will just be a routine for him, including those romantic acts, and finally he will dump you.
You have no claims
Since it's an affair not a formal relationship, you should know from the beginning that you have no claims legally, financially and emotionally. Even so you might think that your guy might long for you after breakup because somehow he had loved you before. No he won’t! Married men are practical: Once it’s over, it’s time for them to move on. They won’t do anything that would destroy their families.
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