Want to know what to do when you miss your ex? Here are 12 tips to give you some inspiration. But thinking only changes nothing. You have to take action!
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Very true and interesting ideas. You have to learn to adjust to life with the person gone. This is hard because you have to get used to doing the things you enjoy again without the person being there. Also forming a connection to an ex while moving forward is also a good idea. This does not mean you have to be friends with them, but that you must reclaim the good memories from the relationship and value them. Not all relationships that end were bad from the start and there is usually a lot of good in between. Another idea I got in the book Sex After Divorce a Healthy Comeback by Tafara Makopa available on amazon is the use of No contact Rule. No contact means no contact. You can’t heal if you are still in contact. The modern trend towards staying friends with exes is wonderful; it just fails to acknowledge that the friendship is forced and unreal if it comes without ample space first. Don’t text (that means no dirty text messages!), don’t call, don’t email and don’t stalk their Facebook page!