You found the perfect guy to spend every day with – he promises to bring you the moon if he finds a way, insists that you do pursue all of your dreams and refuses to leave your side. All of these combined makes for the perfect boyfriend that you can make smile with a simple smile of your own, or with a sweet whisper of “I love you”. Since he uses every opportunity to compliment you, it makes you wonder what you can do to show him just how real your feelings are for him. How about the following cute notes to leave your boyfriend?

40 Cute Notes to Leave Your Boyfriend
Always remember that life is well worth it as long as you have one person caring for you, and I will always be that one person for you.
When you came into my life, I was in a dark place; but you led me back to the light and helped me find my place.
I could not imagine a life without the two of us together.
Whatever it is I did that has made me deserve you, please let me know so I can make sure to continue doing it!
Because of you, I continue to breathe every day, but some days you simply take away my breath.
The world says you should only fall in love once, but they lied. I fall in love again every time I see your face.
Every day I wake up and remember you’re near, it makes me grateful that I have you on my side.
You know all those little things you do daily? They help me fall in love just a little bit more every day.
I can’t wait to be by your side again – please come bearing the gift of a kiss.
Our relationship may never be textbook perfect, but I promise that if we both continue to try, then I’ll definitely stay.
Rather than follow you in the darkness, I’ll go before you to make sure the path is already lit for us.
My alarm clock may jolt me awake, but thoughts of you help me wake up on the right side of the bed.
It’s too bad we aren’t in charge of making the alphabet, otherwise we could have put U and I together!
Love is many things to many people. Some call it a game, others simply a responsibility or a destiny, while yet others consider it to be an elusive dream. Me, on the other hand, I simply think the love is what it means to have you.
All my life I wondered if dreams could come true, and then I met you and knew that all my dreams were about to come true – and they did.
I’m glad to have earned you as my treasure – those that left you behind didn’t know what they were truly letting go.
Though times may be tough, always remember that I will be by your side through it all.
Life may get busy and prevent us from spending as much time together as we would like, but even then, I still find myself daydreaming of how much I am in love with you.
Not all couples are perfect, but I think we are already perfectly in love.
My love for you will traverse whatever distance is needed, no matter the cost.
If I were granted the power to hold one moment suspended for all eternity, I would choose to hold the very moment I fell in love with you.
Every time I send you a text, I hope I find a way to make you smile and make your day the best that it can be.
The whole world sees you as just one person, but to me, you are my entire world.
Before I fell in love with you, I never understood why people would just look at someone and smile. Now I know it’s because they’re so happy in love that they simply cannot contain their happiness.
Love seems such a small word to encompass everything I feel for and adore about you.
Every time I’m thinking about you, I realize I’m smiling from ear to ear and can’t seem to stop.
Every girl needs a best friend, a lover, and a boyfriend – fortunately for me, they are all one and the same.
Whenever I’m with you, I simply feel happy for no other reason than I am at peace in your presence.
You are the greatest boyfriend a girl could ever wish to have!
If anyone tells you to change, please don’t because I like you just the way you are.
When given the chance to choose a lover again, I’d definitely want to pick you.
All day every month, for every year, I want to spend every waking moment near you.
Thanks to you, I finally realize that I can be happy and in love without feeling like I have to work for it.
I never want our love to end, so instead of roses that wilt, bring me a token of our love that will withstand the test of time.
I know you didn’t have the best of days, so enjoy your dinner and then give me a nice long kiss.
Ever since I fell in love with you, even the normal everyday things have seemed extraordinary.
Honey, we’ve pulled off the perfect crime by simply stealing each other’s hearts – now I wonder what other perfect crime we could commit.
I wish that instead of only thinking about you in my mind throughout the day, I could simply spend all day in your arms.
Whenever I’m being held in your arms, time stands still.
Everyone has a love story, but ours is the best.
How do you think about the 40 cute notes to leave your boyfriend? Are they awesome? Do you have greater ideas about cute notes for boyfriend? Leave comments to share with me!
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