Men are known to be controlled by their zodiac signs when it comes to their behaviors and character. The Taurus man is not left out in this. When you are out to learn how to seduce a Taurus man, you must first learn what you can about the character, strength and weaknesses of the Taurus man. It is also important that you possess certain set of characters that attract the Taurus man to the opposite sex such as confidence, independence, pretty, etc.

Know About the Taurus Man
Slow on the uptake
The Taurus man can be quite slow on the uptake. If you think you can get a Taurus man to fall in love enough to ask you out, you may have to wait for a long time. It is widely known that if you want the Taurus man so bad, you have to ask him out yourself. The Taurus man can find it hard to trust you easily, so when you ask him out suddenly, he might think you only want to play a fast one on him. Firstly, you should make him understand that you are interested in him before you think of asking him out. Giving generous compliments about his appearance once in a while can be a good way to start. Let him know you are single and free to mingle as well.
Dependable and trustworthy
The average Taurus man is overly dependable and trustworthy, so he won't like any act of flattery from you. If you want to compliment him in any way, make sure you are sincere and don't praise him just to make him feel good. This may backfire in the end. Even when you are flirting with him, make sure your affection is honest and full of warmth.
The strong silent type
The average Taurus man is strong and silent. He may be masculine, but not aggressive in any way. He easily gets attracted to femininity in his partner. He wouldn't want a partner that believes she can do whatever her man can do. Be the girl and let him be the man, if you have the dream of becoming a boxer or any such masculine sport, you can keep that hidden for the time being.
The Taurus man is a man of very few words. This may make you feel he is not easily penetrable. But trust your instincts here. Once you have taken these things into account, make your move confidently.
Poor judge of character
Generally, the Taurus man is always a poor judge of character. He might have been terribly hurt in the past due to the mistakes he made. This might have turned him into some kind of a hard nut to crack. So winning his trust may naturally take some time. Always be supportive and helpful to the Taurus man if you are working with him. The Taurus man will learn to trust you easily once he finds out you trust him totally. However, it is important to point out that the Taurus man finds it a bit hard to respond to the weakness he finds in others. The Taurus man doesn't believe a woman should be helpless and simpering. He believes a woman's strength should be based on her beauty and honesty and not deceit and aggression.
5 Characters You Should Possess to Seduce a Taurus Man
Present a stable and secure image
Presenting a secure and stable image is one of the best things you can do when wooing a Taurus man, whether you have gone out on a date with him or not. If you love drama a lot, you may attract a Taurus man, but when it comes to making him fall in love with you, you must be someone who can keep your emotions under control.
Taurus do not like anyone playing fast and loose games with their emotions, so don't tell a Taurus man you love him without meaning it. Even if the Taurus man doesn't like expressing how he feels at all times, he can get hurt easily. And when they get hurt, they stay hurt for a long time, so always tread with caution.
Additionally, it is easy for the Taurus man to fall in love with financially stable women who show they can be financially independent. This is due to the fact that Taurus men are financially independent themselves, and therefore love women who share their flair for financial independence.
Prettify yourself
The Taurus man is naturally pragmatic, but is often ruled by the Venus star sign, which is the planet responsible for beauty and love. He is also known to be romantic and attracted to pretty female faces. If you want a Taurus man so bad, you must make sure you present yourself in the most beautiful light as possible. Wear your cute dress and put on glamorous accessories.
One way to appeal to the Taurus man is to ensure you look and smell nice all the time. The Taurus man loves his woman classy and of the best quality, so coming across as sluttish or cheap is a turn off.
Know what you want
You must be clear about what you want from life to be able to attract a Taurus man. At least, show that you are clear and directed in life. The typical Taurus man has ambition so he wants a woman who knows where she is going. You must at least have some of these qualities, or else the Taurus man will see you as no match for him.
Be independent about money
The average Taurus man will give you the money you need to meet your needs, but he still wants you to show him that you can make your own money. You have to let him see you can do this. No man wants a woman that will drain him financially. The Taurus man will run away from the perceived gold diggers. Always bear this in mind when thinking about how to seduce a taurus man.
Show your vulnerability
To really open up and let the Taurus man see how you can appeal to his protection as the male, you must show your vulnerability. This trick never fails to attract the Taurus man.
Seduce and Attract a Taurus Man on a Date
Be a pretty girl
A Taurus is very material and sensuous in nature, and dressing stylishly can be a sure way to get his attention. Alluring perfumes can also do the magic. Every Taurus loves the grace and femininity women display, which enables you to show how caring and thoughtful he can be about your well-being.
The ideal date for the Taurus man
One way to make a good impression on a Taurus man is to give him a well-cooked meal. The Taurus man enjoys cooking and appreciates a good food when he sees one. He is also known to have a flair for routines, so always be prepared to follow him to familiar joints and places he frequents. If you are eating out, make sure you don't try to rush him. He loves his meal long and slow.
Getting your Taurus into bed
Now this is one very important tip on how to seduce a Taurus man. This may not be as easy as it sounds. He may not be in a haste to jump into bed with you, but once he is attracted to you, they would want to touch you. Let him cuddle you and touch you while you are wearing that light material to pave the way for deeper intimacy next time around.
This will take a slow and intimate pace, with lots of touching, smooching, stroking and teasing. Set out time to enjoy foreplay. The delay can be a sweet torture. You may not like to engage in quickies again after this. There is no doubt about the loyalty of your new Taurus man. Just like in several aspects of their lives, once they are into you, they are in and you can bet on their commitment.
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